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Energy in Circular Economy


Organiser: Helen LTD

Date & time: Wednesday 7th June at 9.30-12.00

Location: Helen LTD, Kampinkuja 2 + site visit underground heating and cooling plant

Contact: Jouni Kivirinne, business development manager,, +358 40 334 18 68

Description: Introduction to energy circulation philosphy in urban scale energy services. Helen ltd has city scale energy platform, where energy suplly in based to diversed energy sources and two way energy transfer with customers. Cleanest commercial circular energy application is Combined Heating and Cooling, where heating and cooling energies circulates and creates value for customers and simultaneosly utilzes waste energies.

Registration: link coming soon

Detailed programme:
Introduction to Urban energy, Helen head quarters
Site visit; World Largest Combined Heating and cooling heat pump plant.

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