Estimated reading time 2 min
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Governance and circular economy roadmaps

Monday 3 June at 14.30-16.00


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This session discusses the role that governance and policies play in the transition towards a circular economy, both globally and nationally. It also shares best practices and the lessons learned from creating circular economy road maps around the world. How can we achieve a broad and common understanding of the need for a circular economy and remove any obstacles to its implementation? What role do circular economy road maps and strategies play in this? How can we facilitate the implementation of circular economy road maps by engaging different stakeholders, including business? Is there a need for broader co-operation between forerunner countries?

14.30 Opening words: Global context​
Kari Herlevi, Project Director, Circular economy, Sitra
Dialogue: The role of governance and road maps in the transition towards a circular economy ​
Moderated by Harald Friedl, CEO, Circle Economy​ See the presentation

Daniel Calleja, Director-General for Environment, European Commission​
Ashleigh Morris, CEO, COREO​
Janez Potočnik, CO-Chair, UNEP International Resource Panel​
Kirsi Sormunen, Member on the Board of Directors, Sitra
Circular economy road maps

Ladeja Godina Košir, Founder and Executive Director, Circular Change, Slovenia​ See the presentation
Ashleigh Morris, CEO, COREO, Australia​ See the presentation
Guillermo Gonzáles, Head of the Circular Economy Office, Ministry of the Environment, Chile ​See the presentation
Kok Chung Cheang, Deputy Director General, National Environment Agency, Singapore​ See the presentation
Henry Roman, Director, Department of Science and Technology, South Africa​ See the presentation
Leah Canning, Senior Policy Advisor, Environment and Climate Change Canada​ See the presentation
Concluding remarks​
Harald Friedl and Kari Herlevi
16.00 Session ends


Kari Herlevi, Project Director, Circular Economy, Sitra




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