Sitra and Frost & Sullivan conducted a study identifying the key global megatrends from the perspective of low-carbon business, and analysing their impacts from the perspective of six important sectors to the Finnish economy: transport, energy, buildings, industry, water and waste, with bio-economy as a cross-cutting category. This analysis portrays a picture about the size of the clean solutions markets globally.
The key megatrends driving the change towards carbon neutrality in the global markets are Climate Change, Future of Energy, Smart is the New Green, Future of Mobility, Urbanisation and Future Infrastructure Development. A common denominator to these all are smart cities.

The market size for some of the most important sectors from the Finnish perspective will grow exponentially by 2050.
The single largest market potential by 2050 will come from solutions in the mobility sector. Also energy systems and sustainable building are showing strong growth. For all results from our study, please see the collection of infographics below: