35 proposals to make European data strategy work Publication Event

35 proposals to make European data strategy work Publication Event

The EU published the Data Strategy in February 2020. The consultation period for the strategy is currently open. We are delighted to announce that our proposals to put the strategy to work are now complete.

  • May 18, 2020 at 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
  • Online
  • #DigitalEU

A single market for data will be essential in boosting European growth in the coming years.

Our paper 35 proposals to make the European data strategy to work proposes concrete steps for the policymakers and companies to take in the next five years in order to make the vision outlined in the data strategy work for all of us.

We are proud to share the publication event with MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri who has been appointed rapporteur for the European Parliament’s initiative report on the data strategy by the industry committee. She will give first insight for the report and the process behind.

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