A High-Level Dialogue on Data Strategy
Invitation only

A High-Level Dialogue on Data Strategy

Next steps on the road to a healthy, vibrant, world-leading European data approach

Digitalisation, artificial intelligence and the data and platform economies will play a key role in guiding the European economy along a new and sustainable growth path. In the long term, the growth in the economy and in employment is dependent on whether the full potential of digitisation opportunities can be realised in the industrial transformation. How can data be used for the European welfare model in a human-centric way? Can comprehensive data approaches become the driver for a European value driven digitalisation approach?

During its Presidency of the Council of the EU, Finland aimed to boost the growth of the data economy and the use of artificial intelligence as part of developing the European single market by defining the principles of a sustainable, competitive and human-centric data economy. What should be done during Croatia and Germany terms as the Presidency of the Council in 2020, and what should be the Commission’s top priorities for the next term? What actions are needed to make Europe a forerunner of fair data economy? The discussions will be carried out under the Chatham House Rules.

High-Level Speakers:

  • Jürgen Müller, Head of Directorate, Federal Chancellery
  • Maria Rautavirta, Head of Unit, The ministry of transport and communications Finland
  • Jaana Sinipuro, Director, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra
  • Falk Steiner, Senior Expert, Bertelsmann Stiftung
  • Yvo Volman, Head of unit, European Comission
  • Ivan Bojanić, Counsellor, Croatian presidency

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