Fair data economy rulebook – first experiences and next steps

Fair data economy rulebook – first experiences and next steps

The beta version of the Fair data economy rulebook was launched in December 2019 for comments. There are a number of data ecosystems working with our Rulebook tool and now it is the time to hear their experiences.

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In 2019 the work group created the first version of  the IHAN Rulebook to facilitate the creation of many-to-many agreements needed in many-sided data ecosystems.

The need for this kind of approach is obvious. If an ecosystem with ten stakeholders would create and sign bilateral agreements with all parties, the number of the agreements would be 45. With the Rulebook approach only one agreement is needed to which the stakeholders adhere to by signing simple accession agreements.

Join the event to hear the comments of data ecosystems working on it and more importantly our plans for next steps for the tool.

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