Event materials
Speaker slides (click the pictures!)

Event description
Societal changemakers are driven to create a sustainable future. We live in turbulent times and both the future and the present feel more uncertain and nebulous than before. In such conditions, imagining and enacting hopeful visions for the future is more important than ever. Our future is shaped by the decisions, choices and actions of today.
But how can we create a stronger link between future-oriented thinking and action? Narrative foresight allows us to challenge our preconceptions about the future, imagine alternative futures and to discuss and take action together to influence the future. Join us in HERÄÄMÖ on 25th August to learn more and discuss the topic with other changemakers!
Our guest speaker professor Sohail Inayatullah is known for his pioneering work in futures studies. He has extensive experience on conducting futures research, consulting, and hosting workshops. His work aims at transformative foresight work, where stories and metaphors guide our actions towards preferred futures.
This is a pre-event for the Waves summit. Waves is an event aimed at societal changemakers. Sitra’s session in Waves focuses on challenging identified futures, imagining alternate futures and taking action towards preferred futures. The session is hosted by Mikko Dufva. Learn more and get your tickets here.
Who is Sohail Inayatullah?
Sohail Inayatullah, a political scientist and futurist, is the UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at the Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity, Malaysia. He is also Professor at Tamkang University, Taiwan and Associate, Melbourne Business School, the University of Melbourne. He teaches from www.metafutureschool.org where his courses include Become a Futurist: Futures 101 and Personal Futures: the CLA of the Self. In 2021, he was virtual futurist-in-residence with the government of Abu Dhabi, Culture and Tourism.
Most recently he has presented to or done research for the FAO, WHO, ADB, OECD, UNESCAP, the Atlantic Fellows, Australia Institute of Police Management, Powerlink, ANZ Bank, Mitsubishi Motors, and the Governments of New Zealand and Egypt.
How can I participate?
The event will be held on Zoom. In addition, we will stream the event live on Sitra’s YouTube channel. On Zoom you will be able to discuss with other participants and meet new people. If you would rather focus on listening, or if you do not have the chance to participate in the discussions, please join us on YouTube instead. Enrol here.
The language of the event is English.
What is HERÄÄMÖ?
HERÄÄMÖ is Sitra Lab’s breakfast series in which we create shared understanding of how we might tackle wicked problems with leading experts in the field. The HERÄÄMÖ events are not only lectures but also contain interactive elements where you can network with other participants and share your own thoughts on the subject. The events are open to all who wish to broaden their horizons in relation to positive societal change and who want to network with others engaged with similar topics.
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