Workshop on Radical Data Economics

Workshop on Radical Data Economics

Workshop on Radical Data Economics is a two-day invitation-only intensive workshop that focuses on:

  • Value and/or governance of data in platform economy
  • Data governance models and their economic consequences
  • Data intensive digital ecosystems
  • Digital peer production
  • Data regulation
  • Human economic aspects of digitalisation
  • Industrial data sharing
  • New incentive and compensation methods, e.g. for anti-rival goods

The workshop was postponed due to Coronavirus COVID-19. The new proposed time is September 2021,

The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 20 people.

Call for abstracts

In order to participate in the workshop, the prospective partakers were requested to submit an abstract of a maximum of one page. The submission deadline for abstracts was on 30 January 2020. Thank you for your proposals. The abstracts will be shared to all participants before the workshop.

Tentative agenda

Times are displayed in EET

Workshop Day 1

Smaller theoretical group, 10–12 people

13:00–13:40  Introductions and why are we here?

13:40–14:00  Introduction to CLD-based method

14:00–15:00  Two abstract based talks (10 min talk + 20 min discussion)

15:00–15:30  Coffee break

15:30–17:00  Three abstract based talks (10 min talk + 20 min discussion)

17:00–17:30  Open discussion

17:30–18:00  Summary of the first day and preparation for the next morning

19:00–            Dinner

Workshop Day 2

Applying on case studies, 20 people

09:00–09:20  Introductions and why are we here?

09:20–09:50 Summary of the previous day

09:50–10:15 Introduction to a CLD-based method

10:15–10:45 Division into four groups: Case 1: Circular economy, Case 2: Fair Data Society, Case 3: Mobility as a service / autonomous traffic, Case 4: Taxation
Case introduction 10 min, Discussion 5 min, Begin to draft a causal loop diagram (CLD) 15 min

10:45–11:45 Division into two groups: Case 1+2 and Case 3+4
Presenting the two causal loop diagram drafts to each other, Working on the two causal loop diagrams (CLD)

11:45–12:30 Lunch (and interviews)

12:30–13:30 All together: presenting results and finalising the four causal loop diagrams (15 min per case)

13:30–14:00 Reflection, next steps and closing

14:00–15:00 Finalising first day scenarios (with paradox) and 1-2 page findings

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