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Antti Kivelä to head Sitra’s Municipal Programme

Antti Kivelä, M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), will start as the Executive Director of Sitra’s Municipal Programme on 1 Aug 2008.


Antti Kivelä, M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), will start as the Executive Director of Sitra’s Municipal Programme on 1 Aug 2008. The responsibilities of the Executive Director of the programme, to be launched at the beginning of 2009, include the preparation of the five-year programme during the autumn, managing the programme and implementing it. The aim of Sitra’s Municipal Programme is to develop models for producing municipal services in such a way as to respond to the challenges presented by the ageing population, growing regional disparities and labour shortage.

Antti Kivelä, 49, has previously worked in management duties in the bank and finance sector, as an entrepreneur and the Mayor of Jämsä. Kivelä comes to Sitra from the post of Executive Vice President in charge of customer service applications at Samlink Oy.

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