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INNOFINLAND 2007 Prizes awarded

The national INNOFINLAND Prizes of the President of the Republic 2007 were awarded for the 14th time on 20 November 2007.


The national INNOFINLAND Prizes of the President of the Republic 2007 were awarded for the 14th time on 20 November 2007. The prizewinners are the sorts of innovative businesses that have responded to the needs of both consumers and businesses in a creative way.

The theme for INNOFINLAND 2007 was ‘Innovations and Age’. The theme highlighted good practices and businesses that have created innovative products and services especially to elderly people. INNOFINLAND 2007 received entries from 181 businesses, organisations or persons.

President of the Republic Mrs. Tarja Halonen together with the Chairman of the INNOFINLAND Jury, Mr. Martti Enäjärvi and the Chairman of the Working Committee Mr. Juha Jutila presented the national INNOFINLAND Prize 2007 to the following five businesses:

Codenomicon: Defensics platform/ protocol test coverage (preemptive robustness and security test platform)
Innohome: a product for preventing water damages and fires caused by electrical apparatuses
Pensi Rescue: ergonomic system for patient transports
Seniortek: security and monitoring system for sheltered homes

Honorary mentions:
Symbicon: Digital Information Display (DID) advertising panel for indoor or outdoor use
Viconsys: provider of Process and Quality Vision Systems for the flat sheet industry

Further details of the prizewinners

Chairman of the INNOFINLAND Working Committee, Juha Jutila, tel. +358 (0)9 020 737 3007, e-mail: INNOFINLAND Project Manager, Timo Suokas, tel. +358 (0)9 6939 5308, mob +358 (0)40 772 1733, e-mail:

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