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Joining the India phenomenon requires an understanding of India

Sitra’s report Intia-ilmiö ja Suomi (The India Phenomenon and Finland) introduces the various aspects of the India phenomenon and the opportunities it has to offer to Finland


“Finns – make a move! …Telecommunications, paper industry and environmental technology are the best fields for Finland.” Jairam Ramesh, MP, Indian National Congress Press release 3 June 2005India is, in many respects, in the focus of the recent globalisation trend. An increasing amount of IT services and planning, in particular, is being moved from the West to India. For India, globalisation is a two-way street. The Indian economy keeps growing faster than the Finnish economy. The Indians believe in their opportunities and successful Indian enterprises are expanding internationally, for example to Finland. Sitra’s report Intia-ilmiö ja Suomi (The India Phenomenon and Finland) introduces the various aspects of the India phenomenon and the opportunities it has to offer to Finland. The report also describes how different Finnish actors and major international research institutes are approaching India. “The great expectations offered by India attract many Finns, but the Indian economy and society are still fairly poorly known, or the image of India is very one-sided. Insufficient knowledge of cultural conventions may unnecessarily end co-operation projects or partnerships,” says Vesa-Matti Lahti, who is in charge of Sitra’s India programme. The best way to fathom the enormity of India is to divide it into more manageable parts. There is a need for more accurate information on the fields of industries, geographical areas and growth centres where Finnish companies are already present and which would be interesting for Finns. Thus, Finnish companies and organisations could succeed even better in their co-operation with the Indians. The most lasting forms of co-operation and business are based on a win-win situation. Success is more likely if Finland and India both benefit from the business activities taking place in India. Promising business prospects in India are linked to upgrading the infrastructure and solving of problems in health care and the environment. “Apart from increasing co-operation, it is also important to promote Finnish-Indian contacts in general. Here, business contacts are of great importance but we also need exchange programmes for students and specialists in different fields, journalist visits and research and teaching on Indian society today,” says Elina Grundström, editor of the report. The report is the first background study within Sitra’s India programme, which was launched in 2004. The book is edited by Elina Grundström and Vesa-Matti Lahti, Research Manager. Contributors to the publication include Jyrki Ali-Yrkkö, Anthony de Carvalho, Matias Mättölä, Paavo Suni and Minna Säävälä. A video of the book launch (in Finnish) is available on Sitra’s website from the afternoon of 3 June onwards at > Seminaarit verkossa. Intia-ilmiö ja Suomi. Sitran Intia-ohjelman taustaselvitys (in Finnish). (The India Phenomenon and Finland. Background study for Sitra’s India programme.) Elina Grundstöm and Vesa-Matti Lahti (eds). Sitra Reports 53, ISBN 951-37-4478-7, ISSN 1457-571X. Edita Prima Oy. Helsinki 2005. The report can be ordered from Sitra, email: The PDF file is available on Sitra’s website (in Finnish) under Julkaisut.

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