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Latest research report “Why They, Why Not We?”, which compares and analyses the competitiveness of Finland and Russia is published

The study compares and analyses the competitiveness of Finland and Russia


The Finnish National Fund for Research and Development (Sitra) has published its latest research report “Why They, Why Not We?”, which compares and analyses the competitiveness of Finland and Russia. The study is a broad historical review describing the impact of political choices and other factors on the structure and competitiveness of industry in the two countries today. The report is the work of Antti Helanterä and Simon-Erik Ollus, who were employed as researchers at the Centre for Markets in Transition at the Helsinki School of Economics at the time the report was written. Although the differences between the two countries are extremely great when measured by many indicators, their situation at the beginning of the 19th century when the process of industrialisation started was quite similar. The background to Finnish competitiveness is based on stable conditions, an open and international competitive economy and transparent and efficient public-sector institutions – from education to taxation. Flexibility and the ability to adapt rapidly to changes in the environment have also been among Finland’s strengths. When it comes to Russia, we often hear that the country’s history and geography inevitably exerted, and continue to exert, an important influence, which is why Russia is what it is. The report endeavours to demonstrate the fallibility of this claim by comparing the Finnish example with Russia. Finland has developed from a poor grand duchy to become the world’s most competitive economy. Geography and history alone cannot be the only reasons for Russia’s lack of success. Publication details Why They, Why Not We? An Analysis of the Competitiveness of Finland and Russia. Antti Helanterä and Simon-Erik Ollus. Sitra Reports 46. ISBN 951-37-4326-8. ISSN 1457-571X. Edita Prima Ltd. Helsinki 2004. Report can be ordered from Sitra, tel. +358-9-618 991, e-mail address The report is also available in PDF format from Sitra’s website under Publications

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