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The Low2No Team is Awarded for Their Design of Sitra’s Office Building

The design team of Sitra’s new office building in the Low2No sustainable development block was awarded the prestigious acknowledgment Holcim Award 2011.


News 22 September 2011

The design team behind Sitra’s new office building in the Low2No sustainable development block has been awarded the prestigious Holcim Award 2011.  

The prize was received by the international design team Arup – Sauerbruch Hutton – Experientia in recognition of their plans for an innovative timber construction.

In awarding the team their honour, the Holcim Award jury said: “In terms of its construction and program, the office building is commended by the jury for achieving the aspired principles of transferability, transparency and inventiveness.

“All of the construction, even the cores and the prefab façade panels will be entirely in Finnish timber – globally an innovation for a 26m high 6-storey office building. Beyond these measures, the project has a successful holistic approach towards its design, connecting social, ecological, aesthetic and economical demands on a high level and it is thus an outstanding example of how sustainable architecture can be achieved on a larger scale.” 

Work on building the block will start in 2012 in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki, and it is expected to be ready by the end of 2013/beginning of 2014. The new timber-constructed Sitra office building will be a part of the block. 

The Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction promotes sustainable responses to the technological, environmental, socioeconomic and cultural issues affecting building and construction at the national, regional and global levels.   

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