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Mikko Kosonen appointed President of Sitra

Sitra’s Supervisory Board has, at its meeting on 13 November 2008, appointed Dr Mikko Kosonen (b. 1957) as President of Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund for the period 17 November 2008 to 31 December 2013.


Sitra’s Supervisory Board has, at its meeting on 13 November 2008, appointed Dr Mikko Kosonen (b. 1957) as President of Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund for the period 17 November 2008 to 31 December 2013.

Sitra’s former President, Esko Aho, took up a position at Nokia on 1 November 2008. During the intervening period, Kari Tolvanen, Executive Vice President, has acted as President of Sitra.

Kosonen has worked for Sitra since 2007. As a Special Advisor and member of the strategic management team, he has been an influential figure in shaping Sitra’s current strategy and has been responsible for developing and managing Sitra’s innovation activities. Kosonen transferred to Sitra from Nokia where he worked in various positions in Finland and abroad since 1984. His duties included acting as Executive Advisor and Vice President responsible for the Group’s strategic planning and information management.

The President of Sitra is responsible for the development of the fund according to the guidelines and regulations of the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors. The President also makes decisions on matters relating to the organisation’s administration.

– I’m delighted to be able to continue developing Sitra’s operations in accordance with the current policies. It’s wonderful to be able to continue this important work together with Sitra’s employees and partners, Kosonen says.

Sitra’s President is appointed by the Supervisory Board. The Members of the Supervisory Board are the Members of the Parliamentary Supervisory Council of the Bank of Finland, who are appointed by the Finnish Parliament. MP Timo Kalli (Centre Party) is chairman of the Supervisory Board.

– Mikko Kosonen is an extremely competent person for the task. He knows Sitra’s personnel policy and has been involved in creating Sitra’s current strategy. His appointment was very natural, says Kalli about the appointment.

Sitra is an independent public foundation promoting the well-being of Finnish society under the supervision of the Finnish Parliament. Sitra’s responsibilities are stipulated in law. Sitra’s duty is to promote stable and balanced development in Finland, the qualitative and quantitative growth of the economy and international competitiveness and co-operation. Sitra’s activities are financed by the yield from its endowment capital and the return on its venture capital investments. Sitra’s annual budget comes to about EUR 40 million, and it employs approximately one hundred people.

Previous Presidents of Sitra include: Esko Aho, M.Pol.Sc, 2004–2008; Aatto Prihti, Dr.Econ., 1997–2004; Matts Andersson, B.Sc. Econ., 1996; Jorma Routti, Professor, 1986–1996; C.E. Carlson, Professor, 1974–1986; Kaarlo Larna, Dr.Pol.Sc., 1972–1973; and Klaus Waris, Chancellor, 1968–1972.

Further information, please contact:

Kari Tolvanen, Executive Vice President,
tel. +358 (0)9 6189 9270

Laura Niemi, Communications Manager,
tel. +358 (0)50 3738 602

Mikko Kosonen’s CV and pictures are available on Sitra’s Internet site
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