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Sitra invested in wireless communication systems

Sitra has invested in Viola Systems Ltd, a company that designs and manufactures wireless communication systems, especially for the energy industry. The company specialises in smart systems that are used for automatically monitoring and controlling the electricity distribution network and energy-intensive facilities, such as server centres.


Sitra has invested in Viola Systems Ltd, a company that designs and manufactures wireless communication systems, especially for the energy industry. The company specialises in smart systems that are used for automatically monitoring and controlling the electricity distribution network and energy-intensive facilities, such as server centres. The company’s customers include major suppliers of electric distribution networks worldwide. More than 75% of the company’s net sales are generated outside Finland.

Finding energy-saving solutions and developing the required technology requires a reliable monitoring of energy consumption and an automatic control of the energy allocation and use. Viola Systems has developed a product portfolio providing reliable two-way wireless connectivity solutions to meet these needs.

“Sitra’s Energy Programme seeks innovative operating models and technologies to achieve improved energy efficiency and invests in companies in the sector to accelerate their growth and internationalisation,” says Investment Director Janne Ahlström of Sitra. “Viola’s communication systems are a very exciting investment target even in terms of improving energy efficiency alone. In addition, the company is expected to bring substantial synergy benefits to companies that are interesting in terms of Sitra’s priorities,” Ahlström states, and continues “Viola’s operating model and products have proved feasible and reliable as is witnessed by the positive international customer feedback.”

“Viola Systems has accessed global markets and shown strong growth over the past few years,” says Jyrki Penttonen, CEO of Viola Systems. “Sitra’s funding will enable us to invest significantly in new resources and continuing product development. This will help maintain our international competitiveness and conquer new markets.”

The objective of the company is to become a global market leader in supplying data communication solutions for energy companies’ distribution networks. Viola’s customers include ABB, the Electricity Supply Board in Ireland and TDF in France.

Further information

Janne Ahlström, Investment Director, Sitra
Tel. +358 50 380 8602,

Jyrki Penttonen, CEO, Viola Systems Ltd
Tel. +358 40 570 5775, »

Sitra’s Energy Programme contributes to improving the energy-efficiency of the built environment and the energy awareness of Finns, in addition to creating new business opportunities from the transition that the energy sector is undergoing. The programme will seek innovative operating models and technologies to attain improved energy efficiency, and invest in companies in the sector to accelerate their growth and internationalisation.

Viola Systems Ltd is a company that designs and manufactures wireless industry-grade communication systems. Established in 2000, the company focuses on communication systems for electricity distribution networks. In 2008, its net sales came to just under EUR 2 million.

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