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Sitra’s anniversary seminar looks at future challenges


The 40th anniversary of Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund, hit its high point at the anniversary seminar on 3 December 2007.

The President of Finland Tarja Halonen, Speaker of the Parliament Sauli Niinistö, and Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen discussed the challenges Finland will be facing in the future. Pat Cox, former President of the European Parliament, John Kao, CEO and Chairman, Kao & Company, Jorma Ollila, Chairman of Nokia and Royal Dutch Shell, and John Kornblum, Lazard LLC, Germany, also provided insight on global challenges at the economic, social, and environmental levels.

Webcast of the seminar » (Only the English part)

Sitra has been celebrating its anniversary hard at work. The main aim has been to raise debate, turn focus towards the future, and highlight the most important topics.

The anniversary year has seen several events for Sitra’s partners: The Science, Technology and Innovations in Asia conference focused on the innovation systems of Japan, India, and China, while the Energizing Europe: International Conference on Energy and Environmental Policy symposium discussed energy and the environment. Investing in Food Chain looked at the business opportunities in food production chains.

During the anniversary year, Sitra also participated in Elämä pelissä, a health-focused lifestyle makeover Finnish television series, and provided funding for the Learning by Doing national technology week for the young. Sitra also opened the Duodecim health portal at to the general public for the duration of the anniversary year.

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