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Working group draws roadmap for next-generation community and traffic policy

In a sustainable, people-oriented service society, infrastructure, traffic and logistics are services as well as a source of well-being. The challenge is to achieve more results with less resources. Finland needs an agile traffic system, capable of meeting the rapidly changing needs of the users.


In a sustainable, people-oriented service society, infrastructure, traffic and logistics are services as well as a source of well-being. The challenge is to achieve more results with less resources. Finland needs an agile traffic system, capable of meeting the rapidly changing needs of the users. Ultimately, this change will be enabled by the continued digitalisation of functions essential to workings of society.

A new kind of traffic and community planning as well as a range of traffic services not only ensure smooth everyday travelling for citizens but provide companies with an operating environment which promotes competitiveness. This is how the experts contributing to the Traffic Revolution development programme have conceived the future.

– The planning is based on the policy decision that guarantees a certain level of functionality for the travel and transport service supplied by public funds. This functionality guarantee is a service promise given by the authorities to the users. A new traffic and community planning model combines different actors and the preconditions for land use, housing, traffic, the service structure and businesses, and seeks the means for keeping the promise, says Juha Kostiainen, Director of Sitra’s Public Leadership and Management Programme.

– Demanding Finnish customers, both public and private, as well as long-term agreements create incentives for service providers to innovate, develop services and increase productivity rates. This will result in new ways of meeting traffic and transport challenges in an agile, flexible way, says Eeva Linkama, Traffic Counsellor, Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The Traffic Revolution programme is developing and piloting a next-generation approach to community and traffic planning. The first stage of the development programme has produced a roadmap for the future.

The development programme has been ongoing since December 2010 as a cooperative effort between Sitra’s Public Leadership and Management Programme, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Finnish Transport Agency, the Finnish Transport Safety Agency, RYM Oy, Tivit Oy, and actors in the sector.

The Finnish Transport Agency will coordinate pilot projects intended to implement the roadmap. Various actors are committed to carrying out the programme. From this point on, the network will be led by the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Further information

Juha Kostiainen, Director, Public Leadership and Management Programme, Sitra, tel. +358 9 6189 9473

Eeva Linkama, Traffic Counsellor, Ministry of Transport and Communications, tel. +358 9 1602 8476

Traffic revolution 2011 Mind Chart (in English, pdf)
Traffic revolution 2011 roadmap (in Finnish, pdf)
Traffic Revolution blog (in Finnish) will be opened on 27 April 2011 at 2 p.m. Finnis time.

Public Leadership and Management Programme of Sitra:
The objective of the Public Leadership and Management Programme is to have a human-oriented, well-functioning and efficient public sector. In the programme, new operating models and solutions will be developed and tested together with local and state administration to enable customers, employees of public administration and different service providers to apply their own expertise to the development of services. Based on pilot projects the programme will produce a new kind of leadership in cooperation with various stakeholders.

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