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What is and what will be the role of digitisation in our daily life? What kinds of opportunities and threats are created by data use? We are using an open questionnaire to collect stories about data and digitisation using the SenseMaker method. Information obtained from the questionnaire is important for planning and designing new services aimed at all Finnish citizens.


Digitisation plays a big part in our daily life. Its impact is felt both at work and in our free time. There is no digitisation, however, without the data that is created and used constantly, even though we rarely pay attention to this. In the Digital Health HUB project, we have focused on the topic of data use, considering also the perspective of the data producer – the individual. We are now collecting stories about data and digitisation in Finland.

To gather the stories we are using the SenseMaker survey tool, which combines qualitative research methods with a more traditional type of survey. This form of questionnaire is different from normal approaches in that we collect personal stories instead of answers to pre-prepared response options. The method has been developed at the Cynefin Centre at Bangor University in Wales.

The main developer of the method is the internationally renowned Honorary Professor of Knowledge Management Dave Snowden. The SenseMaker method is currently also being tried out in Sitra’s alumni training projects.

What do we do?

We are collecting stories about the thoughts and ideas inspired by digitisation and data using an open questionnaire and with as diverse a group of respondents as possible. We are interested in all kinds of stories – big or small, short or long. How the story is told is not important. What is important is the content. We are interested in hearing all the kinds of things which the topic brings to mind. What significance does data and digitisation have in the respondent’s daily life? Or is there any significance at all? That also interests us.

The more specific questions on the questionnaire form are answered based on the respondent’s story. The research analysis will focus on these answers, not so much on the stories themselves.

The respondents cannot be identified from the questionnaire and their answers are to be used only by the researchers. If desired, the respondent may refuse to have their story published, in which case not even the researcher will see the story.

Through these stories, we want to understand better the attitudes of Finns towards the use of their data and towards digitisation. This information is important for the planning and design of new services aimed at Finnish citizens.

Who is participating?

We are carrying out the Data and Digitisation questionnaire in co-operation with Sitra’s Digital Health HUB project and the Cynefin Centre. The intention is to repeat the questionnaire at a later stage in other European countries in co-operation with the project’s international partners.

Where have we got to so far?

The survey is open until 30 April 2018. After this, the results will be analysed. We will publish a summary on the Sitra website later in the spring.

How to get involved?

Anyone can participate in the questionnaire (in Finnish) by following this link. You can respond to the question several times if you have a number of stories that you wish to share.




Jaana Sinipuro
Heli Parikka

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