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Julkinen johtajuus -barometrin tavoitteena on tuottaa vertailukelpoista tietoa julkishallinnon johtamisen toimintaympäristön haasteista sekä toimintaedellytysten, johtamiskulttuurin ja esimiestehtävien muutoksista.
The purpose of the Public Leadership barometer is to produce comparable data on the challenges of the operational environment of public administration management, and on the changes in the operational prerequisites, management culture and supervisor duties.
The Public Leadership and Management Programme uses the barometer to collect information on the status of public leadership and management. Information is collected regarding the operating environment, the organisation and supervisor duties. The barometer helps find ways and means for developing public leadership and management from its own starting points and for creating new leadership thinking in Finland.
The first barometer survey was conducted by Taloustutkimus in February and March 2011, and respondents comprised 1,200 public administration managers and supervisors. The survey was completed in April 2011.
The Public Leadership Barometer report on the survey results was published in autumn 2011 (in Finnish, with a summary in English). According to the report, improving productivity and managing scarcity are considered the greatest challenges for public administration management. The most important solution proposed is to emphasise management and supervisor skills when selecting new supervisors. Other important factors include taking care of the well-being of personnel and developing new methods and procedures.
Good leadership improves productivity and manages scarcity (news 19 Dec 2011)
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