”Ampiainen” will produce 21st Century Local Business Journalism that pools the best available know how to provide you with News You Can Use.

”Ampiainen” will turn the lights on and seat you in the cockpit.

On ”Ampiainen” you can seek novelty, inspiration and find entertaining resources to make more rational economical decisions.

”Ampiainen” introduces promising new businesses, reviews products and services, and discusses social and infrastructural development with academic, industry and market experts, and public officials before decisions concerning your life are made.

On ”Ampiainen” you will always know that the point of view of the story is suited for your spesific uses, wether you are an investor, an entrepreneur, a marketer, a leader, a public official, a researcher or a consumer. You will not be watching the News – you will be using them.

Our research indicates that at the moment there is not one single young, under thirty years old business or political journalist in the mainstream media in Finland who is bridging the needs of entrepreneurs, business angels, NGO’s, consumers and public goverance sectors. ”Ampiainen” will fill this gap.

Our growing team focuses on conceptualizing and developing media formats, while outsourcing and franchaising content production and sales to local business partners.

Markus Petteri Laine, BA Creative Industries, has run a local TV editorial, directed company documentaries and monitors closely the global dialectics

 Sampo Colliander, Master of Philosphy, UN peacekeeping communications officer, corporate communications and political communications expert.      

We will ensure industry standard service and content production suited for publication on our prestigious and trendy web channel. The audience will be able to engage in the production process early by influencing what topics are covered and who are being interviewed about what.

We will always remain constructive and make sure the audience gets only the kind of news they can use!

We welcome collaboration in all conservative, contemporary and especially futuristic forms.

Markus Petteri Laine

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