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Katso videoita WCEF2017 toisen päivän sessioista!

See the sessions and the Grand Finale from the second day of the World Circular Economy Forum 2017.


Circular Business Leaders (Finlandia Hall)

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Boulevard Sessions

Economic Research on the Circular Economy (Finlandia Hall)

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Forest-Based Bioeconomy and Climate Change Mitigation (Helsinki Hall)

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Transformation to Circular Business Models (Restaurant Hall)

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Circular by Design – Products in a Circular Economy (Terrace Hall)

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Financing the Circular Economyy (Finlandia Hall)

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Branding Circularity for Consumer Value (Helsinki Hall)

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Future Technologies for the Circular Economy (Restaurant Hall)

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Supporting Growth of Circular SMEs (Terrace Hall)

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Grand Finale – Moving Beyond WCEF2017 (Finlandia Hall)

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