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Sitra’s 100 Smart Ways and Lifestyle Test: licences and terms of use


1  100 Smart Ways and Lifestyle Test

100 smart ways to live sustainably, a project of the Resource-wise citizen focus area (hereinafter referred to as ”100 Smart Ways”) is a website, which visitors can use to explore 100 concrete measures for achieving more sustainable daily living. Anyone can use the tips to reduce their carbon footprint while at the same time saving money and time or improving their health.

Sitra’s lifestyle test (hereinafter referred to as the ”Lifestyle Test”) helps people assess the environmental impacts of their lifestyles. In addition to providing information about the respondents’ carbon footprint (carbon dioxide equivalent, kgCO2e), the test uses 27 questions to generate tailored tips that can be used to save time and money and improve people’s quality of life. The tips are extracted from the 100 Smart Ways website. The test has been taken over 550,000 times (as of 21 January 2019), which covers around 10% of Finland’s adult population.

Demos ry and Dmat Oy, along with Vapa Media Oy and Frantic Oy, who both have framework agreements with Sitra, have participated in developing and creating the Lifestyle Test and 100 Smart Ways (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Materials”) websites and their content. Sitra has agreed with the said parties that the copyrights and immaterial rights related to the Materials will be transferred to Sitra under proprietary rights. Sitra aims to provide free access to the website to all third parties, such as parties representing public and private sector agents as stipulated in Section 2, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons and MIT licences (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Ready-made Licences” and separately as a “Ready-made Licence”) specified below.

The terms and conditions included in this background document (hereinafter referred to as “Terms of Use”) supplement the terms and conditions of the Ready-made Licences.

The intention is to keep the Materials on Sitra’s website as long as possible and make the accumulated data available until the end of the Resource-wise citizen focus area, or 31 July 2019, and subsequently if necessary. The calculation of the Materials was updated on 24 April 2018 and will be updated in the spring of 2019 before the end of the focus area term. The date of the update will be visible to end users on the website.

No personal data belonging to those taking the Lifestyle Test is collected during the test.

For clarity’s sake, it is noted that the Materials have been published on Sitra’s website and they are provided to users as such and in the format in which they have been published and will be updated as mentioned above. However, Sitra is not liable for ensuring the suitability of the Materials for commercial, non-commercial or any other purpose. Sitra will also not take responsibility for any damage caused by potential errors in the Materials for the party implementing the Materials. The party implementing the Materials is personally responsible for the use of the Materials.

2  The objectives of licensing

To facilitate wider use, the images, texts and technical implementation – i.e. the code of the Lifestyle Tests – as well as the images and texts of 100 Smart Ways are provided as described in these Terms of Use, collectively or separately, for general use for those interested in these Materials.

The calculations behind the Lifestyle Test can also be made available upon a separate request to Sitra. This makes it easier to follow for which purposes the calculations are applied and to provide instructions for use. The questions and calculations of the Lifestyle Test are based on environmental calculations and the most common lifestyles, as a result of which calculations must be examined separately for each country when introducing the Test for international use. The party implementing the Materials is responsible for adapting the questions and calculations of the Materials to the country as it deems fit.

3  Ready-made Licences and supplementary terms of use

3.1  Ready-made Licence for image materials, texts and background calculations

The image and text content of the Materials and the background calculations of the Lifestyle Text may be used under the Creative Commons (CC) licence Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which enables the copying, redistributing, editing and further developing parts of the aforementioned Materials as described in further detail in the terms and conditions of the licence.

3.2  Ready-made Licence for the code of the Lifestyle Test

The MIT Licence is used for the code of the Lifestyle Test.

The MIT Licence is a software licence under which a code may be used, copied, edited and redistributed without limitations, for instance, as described in more detail in the terms of use of the licence.

3.3  Terms of use supplementing the Ready-made Licences

When the Materials are used or edited to suit the purposes of the party implementing the Materials in accordance with the aforementioned terms of the Ready-made Licences, the following conditions should be met.

  • Sitra’s name must be mentioned, and a link to Sitra’s homepage must be included in this context (
  • Sitra aims to collect data on the use of the Materials and the services developed based on the Materials produced by Sitra. We request you to inform us about any use as early as the planning stage by e-mail at
  • The websites must comply with the W3C web standards.
  • In redistributing the Materials, the party implementing the Materials must make sure that these Terms of Use are appropriately mentioned in connection with the redistribution.
  • Sitra is entitled to prohibit the use of the Materials if it does not comply with the Ready-made Licences specified above or the Terms of Use specified in this Section 3.3, or if the use is otherwise inappropriate or contrary to accepted principles of morality.
  • Any questions on the Ready-made Licences or the use of the Materials may be submitted to @

4  Locations of materials

The images of the Lifestyle Test and 100 Smart Ways are available for download here: Images

The code of the Lifestyle Test is available for use in the GitHub service.

Access to the calculations of the Lifestyle Test may be requested by e-mail at

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