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The year is drawing to a close and another will soon begin, but before that happens it is time to rest and spend some peaceful time with our family and loved ones. Time to pull on some woollen socks and just take some time off.


Mikko Kosonen


We want to thank everyone who has, over the past year, contributed their expertise to our future work for the good of Finland. We would also like to thank everyone who has commented on the results of our work or perhaps shared knowledge on the future and in this way helped promote our common well-being.

During Finland’s centenary, Sitra has also had reason to celebrate – after all, Sitra has now been working to fulfil its mission to survey, test and develop future development options for 50 years. Many will remember 2017 for its theme of “togetherness”. Co-operation is the most valuable asset for us: effective co-operation continuously produces both small and large solutions.

During the year, for example, the Ratkaisu100 challenge competition searched for and found solutions to how everybody’s expertise can be better utilised in the future. Expertise and the deconstruction of silos were on the table in many other ways as well, in our work with the public sector, organisations, companies and educational institutions.

Work at the frontline of the circular economy also progressed both in Finland and in international arenas: Sitra has been nominated for the second time for the world’s premier circular economy award. We worked with the domestic social and healthcare sector with a focus on knowledge management by creating the information packages that will guarantee the transparency of activities. We also united all those in the social and healthcare sector to work together to develop their field.

In addition to experimentation and development, we examined the future and, throughout the year, considered what the reform of the Nordic model might look like, the next era of welfare. Together with the Finnish Science Centre Heureka, for Finland’s centennial we contributed to creating an exhibition about the future, which inspires everyone to consider their own role as a builder of the future. The exhibition is not only for children – we heartily recommend it to everyone, if you have yet to visit.

We will solve tomorrow’s challenges together through good collaboration. We enthusiastically await the coming year and the opportunities it will bring.

We wish everyone a joyous Christmas season!

Mikko Kosonen and everyone at Sitra

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