Happy Birthday, Isaacus Rothovius

Happy Birthday, Isaacus Rothovius

Closing of the Isaacus project: From the effective use of registered data towards new beginnings.

The circle is closing: Sitra launched the Isaacus project in 2015. Since then we have been building a one-stop service for well-being data together in wide co-operation with many institutions and partners. Close co-operation with the preparation of the enabling regulation, implementation of health care growth strategy and feedback from stakeholders has been fruitful. Now it is time to take a look what has been achieved and where to go next.

As the project was named after Isaacus Rothovius, the Finnish creator of parish registers and the father of Finnish statistics dating back to the 15th century, we will celebrate closing of the project on his birthday, 1 November at 1.00–5.30 pm at the National Museum of Finland in Helsinki. (Please, no gifts. Your presence is a present to us.)

Topical speeches about the use of well-being data will observe the theme from a variety of viewpoints. Together we will envision the promising future for the Finnish register data. You can expect an afternoon full of surprises with some very interesting speakers like Pekka Ala-Pietilä, the Chair of the European Commissions´ High-level Group on Artificial Intelligence and Ali Torkamani, one of the world’s leading genome researchers. Charles Alessi from HIMSS will examine how the development in Finland looks like in the international context.

Watch the recording here

Part 1 (Programme before the break)

Part 2 (Programme after the break)

The presentations are linked to the programme below.


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