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The 2019 HIMSS & Health 2.0 Europe conference will take place in Helsinki, Finland

HIMSS Europe and Health 2.0 are the annual digital health conferences that gathers people from hospital CEOs to innovative SMEs and start-ups from all over Europe and overseas. They are the biggest and most significant events in this area in Europe.


Laura Halenius

Senior Lead, Programmes


These conferences offer a great chance to explore international innovations in consumer health, patient care, digital healthcare technologies, big data and analytics, AI and, wearables as well as network with over 2000 digital health stakeholders.

These conference showcases the cutting edge and innovative solutions from up-and coming startups which will shape the future.

Save the dates: 11-13 June, 2019 already from your calendar. This is an event not to miss!

True team effort with a common goal

A tremendous team effort has been done in order to arrange HIMSS Europe & Health 2.0 conference in Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre in 2019 and for the next three years. Messukeskus is the biggest event organizer in Finland with over 2000 events and 1,2 million visitors per year. Several organizations have worked together in order to achieve this goal. These parties are: Ministry of social affairs and health, Sitra, Business Finland, City of Helsinki, University of Helsinki, The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS), Business Oulu, Turku Science Park and Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre. This project has shown how well the public & private organizations work together in Finland.

Finland is a perfect location for this conference for many reasons. For example, Finland ranks number one in availability of latest technologies and the availability in scientists and engineers. Finland is among the most digital countries worldwide. It scores very well in the strength of digital skills where it is ahead of all other Member States with some distance. It is also very strong in digital public services. Digital skills are the greatest relative strength of Finland.

Finland – the leader in eHealth

eHealth era started 35 years ago when first hospital information systems were taken into use. Since then electronic services have become mainstream and already since several years ago all patient records are stored and shared electronically. According to international studies, Finland is one of the leading countries in eHealth. The national eHealth infrastructure is solid and gives possibility for further development.

The most recent eHealth service is the national personal health record storage that is offered free of charge for every citizen. It is also free for innovative companies who want to build new health or wellness related services. This is a unique concept in the world. For example, wearable monitor manufacturer can store data to this PHR system and citizen can forward it further to healthcare service provider.

With a world-class startup scene, highly educated people/workforce, and a unique and proven ecosystem that fosters R&D, Finland is one the best places to find new ideas and expand your business.

See you on the 11-13th of June, 2019 in Helsinki!

Sources: World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2016-17, Digital Economy and Society Index

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