
Dushyant Manchandia

Specialist, Sitra International Programmes


Dushyant Manchandia supports Sitra’s work on inspiring Finnish citizens to live more sustainably. His aim is to make the methods created at Sitra accessible to organisations globally, to turn sustainable lifestyles into the new normal and enable millions of people to create their own version of well-being within planetary limits. He is part of Sitra’s Sustainable Everyday Life and PSLifestyle teams.


Dushyant is from New Delhi, India, where the air pollution and waste in the city sparked his interest in environmental matters. The changing seasonal patterns in the city got him concerned and further engaged on climate change. His work as a volunteer for various organisations on the social development of the city’s at-risk population made him realise the connections between environmental problems and social issues.

Dushyant has been involved in hands-on work related to such problems as plastic waste, electronic waste and the creation of a circular economy in India while working for a national producer responsibility organisation Karo Sambhav. He also worked closely with the waste collecting community to improve their livelihoods.

He holds a master’s degree in environmental management and policy from the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University, Sweden. While still studying in Lund, Dushyant was part of a team responsible for co-creating a preliminary agenda for the Stockholm +50 conference, to be hosted in 2022 by the Swedish Ministry for the Environment, supporting research on sustainable consumption and production and its confluence with youth issues focusing on the Nordic and the Middle east region.

What else?

In his free time, Dushyant loves engaging in discussions on philosophy, politics and many other topics, and spending time in nature.

He has a strong belief that the well-being of society and people is possible within the limits of our planet, and it only requires us to commit to pathways which can help us deliver this goal.

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