HERÄÄMÖ: Inner Development Goals: Personal, inner development as a driver of social change

HERÄÄMÖ: Inner Development Goals: Personal, inner development as a driver of social change

The changing world with its increasing complexity and uncertainty challenges us to develop as individuals.

Event materials

Visualization by Jaakko Porokuokka

Visualization of Tomas Björkman's' Heräämö presentation

Event description

In the first HERÄÄMÖ of the year 2022 we will explore inner development.

Solving complex problems requires different skills than solving simple and clear-cut problems. According to our guest speaker Tomas Björkman we need vertical growth, which means development on the level of mental models and skills to make conclusions in complex situations. Which meta-skills are associated with vertical growth? And what kind of skills do we need to build a sustainable future? Join us online on 25th January to find out!

If you want to orientate yourself to the topic beforehand, take a look at this comprehensive report by Ekskäret Foundation. The report aims to connect sustainable development goals to the skills that are required from individuals in the future.

Who is Tomas Björkman?

Tomas Björkman is an author, social entrepreneur and speaker. After a career in financing he founded the Ekskäret Foundation in Stockholm, with the aim of supporting the co-creation of a more conscious society. Tomas is the author of three books: The Market Myth (2016), Världen vi skapar (eng. The World we Create) (2017) and The Nordic Secret (2017).

How can I participate?

The event will be held on Zoom. In addition, we will stream the event live on Sitra’s YouTube channel. On Zoom you will be able to discuss with other participants and meet new people. If you would rather focus on listening, or if you do not have the chance to participate in the discussions, please join us on YouTube instead. Enrol here.

The language of the event is English.

What is HERÄÄMÖ?

HERÄÄMÖ is Sitra Lab’s breakfast series in which we create shared understanding of how we might tackle wicked problems with leading experts in the field. The HERÄÄMÖ events are not only lectures but also contain interactive elements where you can network with other participants and share your own thoughts on the subject. The events are open to all who wish to broaden their horizons in relation to positive societal change and who want to network with others engaged with similar topics.

Hungry for more?

Join the discussion in Sitra Lab’s Facebook group for changemakers.

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