What is power over futures and how can we share it? Fireside chat with futurist Monika Bielskyte

What is power over futures and how can we share it? Fireside chat with futurist Monika Bielskyte

In the event on 2 November we will explore the questions on futures thinking and power. How to enhance the possibilities for radically hopeful, regenerative futures?

What kind of visions do we have of the future? Who defines them and what do they tell us about? What is power over futures and who holds it? How can we make futures visioning more inclusive and share power over futures?

In this fireside chat on Thursday 2 November 2023 at 2 – 3.30 pm we make a deep dive into futures thinking and power with futurist and futures designer Monika Bielskyte, who is working to develop hopeful future visions together with various stakeholders e.g. media industry, technology companies, countries and cities.

Her mission as futurist is to challenge the inherent biases in utopian & dystopian visions of the future, cultivate possibilities for radically hopeful, regenerative futures and break down barriers to make future literacy captivating. In her work with Protopia she has explored visions of radically hopeful and inclusive futures centering queerness, indigeneity, disability and previously marginalized cultural perspectives. What are the key things to keep in mind when working with futures, and what kind of opportunities, challenges and threats there are in relation to power over futures?

The chat is hosted by Sitra’s Senior Lead of Foresight Mikko Dufva. The event is organized in Sitra and streamed online. For those participating the event in Sitra there is an opportunity to meet and greet with Monika after the fireside chat. The places in Sitra are limited and will be filled in order of registration.

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