Big Society Capital, Social Finance UK, Bridges Ventures, City of London Corporation ja BWB Impact Analysis… Tässä muutamia brittiläisiä toimijoita, joiden esimerkeistä haemme oppia ja inspiraatiota suomalaisen vaikuttavuusinvestoimisen markkinan rakentamiseen.
Sitran vaikuttavuusinvestoimisen tiimi on kutsunut joukon suomalaisia sidosryhmiä ja yhteistyökumppaneita opintomatkalle Lontooseen (12.–14.11.), sillä Iso-Britannia on yksi alan edelläkävijöistä. Vaikuttavuusinvestoimisen markkinat ovat kansainvälisestikin melko nuoret: Britanniassa niiden rakentaminen alkoi 2000-luvun alussa ja maan hallitus on ollut talkoissa aktiivisesti mukana. Se on tukenut kehitystä muun muassa verohelpotuksin ja rahastoja perustamalla.
Millaisin keinoin markkinoiden syntyä on Isossa-Britanniassa vauhditettu? Entä millaisia hankkeita on käynnissä? Näihin kysymyksiin haemme vastauksia, ja samalla pohdimme sitä, miten Lontoon opit olisivat hyödynnettävissä Suomessa.
– Keskiviikkona 12.11. pureudumme vaikuttavuusinvestoimisen markkinoihin yleensä sekä käytettävissä oleviin rahoitusinstrumentteihin, etenkin yhteiskunnallisiin bondeihin (Local ja Social Impact Bonds) ja niiden ympärille rakennettuihin käytännön hankkeisiin.
– Torstaina 13.11. tutustumme markkinoiden poliittiseen ohjaukseen toisaalta kansallisella ja toisaalta paikallisella tasolla City of London Corporationissa. Kuulemme myös muutaman sanan Euroopan komission agendasta vaikuttavuusinvestoimiseen liittyen. Lisäksi pohdimme vaikutusten arvioinnin ja yhteiskunnallisen rahoituksen yhteyttä toisiinsa sekä palvelujen suunnittelua etenkin vaikutusten ostajan näkökulmasta.
– Perjantain 14.11. kantava teema on vaikutusten arviointi ja niiden mittaaminen. Perehdymme Euroopan komission ja johtavien teollisuusmaiden G8-ryhmän teoriakehikkoihin, ja siihen miten teoriasta siirrytään käytäntöön eli mittareihin ja kestävän muutoksen mahdollistaviin laajempiin indikaattoreihin.
Päivitämme opintomatkan materiaalit tälle sivustolle.
Toivomme, että aineistoista on hyötyä mahdollisimman monelle!
Mitä on vaikuttavuusinvestoiminen?
Report of the Social Impact Investment, G8 Taskforce
Vaikuttavuusinvestoiminen Isossa-Britanniassa
Building a Social Impact Market: The UK Experience
A Brief Handbook on Social Impact Investment: A UK perspective, City of London Corporation, 2014
Growing the Social Investment Market: 2014 Progress Update, The Cabinet Office, 2014
The Future of Investment: Impact Investment, UKSIF, 2013
Growing the Social Investment Market: the Lanscape and Economic Impact, City of London Corporation
The Role of Tax Incentives in Encouraging Social Investment, City of London Corporation
Impact Report 2013, Bridges Ventures
Social Enterprise UK: materials
Rahoitusinstrumenttina social impact bond (SIB)
Choosing Social Impact Bonds: A practitioner´s guide, Bank of America
Yhteiskunnallinen markkinointi
NSMC: What is social marketing?
Weinreich Communications: What is social marketing?
Vaikutusten ja vaikuttavuuden mittaaminen
Social Impact Measurement in Social Enterprises: the State of Thought and Practice in the UK
Puhujat ja esitykset
Simon Rowell, Director at Big Society Capital
Simon is Strategy and Market Development Director at Big Society Capital. He leads on research, policy and public affairs. He has also worked to deliver the Social Investment Tax Relief and as secretariat for the UK Advisory Board to the Social Impact Investment Taskforce.
Simon began his career as a corporate lawyer for Linklaters LLP advising investors and companies on their acquisitions, capital raisings, joint ventures and restructuring in the UK, Europe and Asia. Since then he has worked on strategic projects for the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and on education reform for the Prime Minister’s Department in Australia.
He holds a Masters in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School and degrees in Finance and Law from the University of Queensland.
Erdem Ovacik, Consultant at Social Finance
Erdem joined Social Finance in June 2014. He works on developing the international Social Impact Bond market. He also explores new partnerships and service lines to deliver on the Social Finance mission. Prior to joining, Erdem was an entrepreneur whose company facilitated citizen engagement on local and national policy.
He previously helped develop, a peer-to-peer lending microfinance platform and was a consultant at McKinsey & Company in Istanbul. Erdem has a Master of Public Policy from Goldman School at UC Berkeley.
Annika Tverin, Director at Social Finance
Annika joined Social Finance in September 2008 with extensive experience of advising clients on the process of raising equity capital. Notable equity capital raising transactions include the Initial Public Offerings of Telia (Sweden), Statoil (Norway) and Orange (France) and the rights issue of Ericsson.
Prior to joining Social Finance, Annika worked as a Director in the Equity Capital Markets departments of Credit Suisse, ABN AMRO Rothschild and Morgan Stanley. She started her investment banking career in Mergers & Acquisitions at Morgan Stanley and worked for London-based strategy consulting firm LEK Consulting prior to becoming a banker.
Annika holds a BA and MA degree in Economics from the US and an MBA (Hons) degree from INSEAD, France.
Chris Dadson, Social Investment Business
Chris is responsible for developing new funds at the Social Investment Business (SIB), including a new fund product, ‘Local Impact Funds’, which will provide social investment to communities as part of SIB’s place based investment strategy.
SIB is the largest social investment finance intermediary organization in the UK, having provided over £350m in social investment into over 1,300 charities and social enterprises since 2002. Chris is on a two year secondment from the Social Investment Team in the UK Cabinet Office.
Andrew Thompson, CEO of IAAM Service Company
Andrew Thomson is a management consultant specialising in innovation, motivation and creating success in organisations. He works on larger change management projects. These include current roles as CEO of Association of Colleges in the Eastern Region and as CEO of IAAM Service Company, which runs the unique social impact bond – funded support service for child adoption in the UK. His recent clients have included UK Governments and their agencies, the Design Council and Crossrail.
He researches and writes for a variety of organisations and is FE advisor to the New Engineering Foundation, producing reports reports for Government, industry and FE including ‘The Intelligent College’, ‘Innovation in STEM Industry’ and ‘Inventing the Future’.
Andrew has designed and run leadership programmes, the USP being that they increase managers’ productivity. He works closely with the Gazelle Group of entrepreneurial colleges as a strategy adviser. His previous professional experience was as the Chief Executive of Quality Improvement Agency for Lifelong Learning, a Non-Departmental Public Body which he set up and ran from 2006 – as the successor to Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), a Public Corporation. He was CEO of LSDA from 2004, following a successful career as a college principal in a variety of settings.
He has a first-class honours BSc in Environmental Sciences and an MA in Management, is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts, a Trustee of the Fortune Centre for Riding Therapy and chair of the OCR Qualifications Committee.
Katie Hill, Social Investment Advisor of the City of London Corporation
Katie Hill is an economist by background with policy making background at local national and international levels. She has worked within the governments of Lithuania and Poland, and ran an award winning social enterprise in Bulgaria for four years. She headed up the consultancy and research function at ClearlySo, a social finance intermediary firm.
Katie regularly presents on impact investment and has written a wide variety papers on the topic, including for the Cabinet Office, NESTA, Oxfam, Big Lottery Fund, City of London and the EU.
As Social Investment Advisor to the City of London Corporation, she represents the Corporation on the G8 National Advisory Board on social investment and on the EU panel of experts for the European Commission’s Social Business Initiative (GECES).
Emilie Goodall, Director at Bridges Ventures
Emilie joined Bridges Ventures in 2014 as Director of Projects, Impact+. In this role, Emilie builds on her experience in responsible investing, impact investing and impact analysis.
She was previously Head of Implementation Support at the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), leading the cross-asset class team supporting PRI’s global network of investors to implement responsible investment practices. She also helped develop the Principles for Investors in Inclusive Finance, a responsible investment transparency framework for microfinance investors.
Prior to that, as Senior Investment Manager at CAF Venturesome, she managed debt and equity-like investments in non-profits, alongside research and policy work promoting the growth of the impact investing market. She led Venturesome’s impact strategy, based on previous experience working as analyst and consultant at New Philanthropy Capital, a consultancy and think tank engaged in non-profit analysis and the promotion of funder effectiveness.
Emilie holds a BA (Hons) in Philosophy and Modern Languages from Oxford University, and qualifications in development management and financial management.
Patrick Ladbury, Director at The NSMC
Patrick has worked across a number of public sector organisations developing and delivering behaviour change programmes as diverse as training school nurses to working with transport planners
Patrick has been at The National Social Marketing Centre seven years combining his health service delivery experience with his marketing knowledge to develop behaviour change programmes as well as resources and events for social marketing practitioners. He developed the UK’s first online social marketing planning guide, managed the first World Social Marketing Conference and has produced numerous other resources and national conferences and events.
His training and delivery projects for The NSMC include
• Managing a capacity building programme for NHS Health Scotland
• Developing The NSMC’s accredited e-learning modules
• Producing The NSMC’s online planning guide and a behaviour change Audit Guide for the National Audit Office
• Strategic advice for the Ministry of Health in the British Virgin Islands on a Diabetes project
Patrick completed his Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma in Marketing in 2001, A Diploma in Child Psychology in 2011, is Chair of Governors at Parkside Primary School and Children’s Centre and is a Trustee of The Jim Bareham Minibus Trust and Ascape charity.
Jim Clifford, OBE, Director at BWB Impact
Jim heads BWB Advisory and BWB Impact, divisions of Bates Wells Braithwaite, the UK’s leading social enterprise law firm, and helps organisations to create, analyse, enhance and realise value through acquisitions, disposals, mergers and other transactions as well as through outcomes-based planning, strategy and evaluations.
The author of over sixty social impact studies he has developed and managed corporate transactions in the UK and abroad in both private and not-for-profit arenas.
Jim’s innovative work in social investment was recognised in 2013 with an OBE, having recently co- developed the first charity-led social impact bond IAAM – ‘It’s All About Me’, which he now also Chairs. IAAM is a UK-wide social enterprise finding and training therapeutic adoptive parents for harder-to-place children.
Jim was technical chair to the EC GECES sub-group developing EU social impact measurement standard, and is on the social impact measurement workstream and the UK Advisory Board to the G8 Social Impact Investment Taskforce.
Anne Bland, CEO of the UUSIA Network
Anne has a long experience in social economy and social enterprise sector development both in Finland and in the UK. She was heading the social innovation knowledge exchange programme in Social Business International Finland for four years before launching the UUSIA Network.
UUSIA Network specilises in aspects of enabling ecosystems based on market creation and development, appropriate financial instruments, successful business and governance models and social impact measurement.
Anne has co-written several reports on social enterprise and co-operative business models and is a sort after public speaker.
Ben Jupp, Director at Social Finance
Ben Jupp is a Director at Social Finance. He leads Social Finance’s work on investment in health and social care, as well as supporting commissioners develop their full range of services.
Prior to joining Social Finance in 2011, Ben was Director of Public Services Strategy at the Cabinet Office. In that role Ben led work across Government to improve public services, such as through developing more personalised health and education services and shifting more transactional services on-line. In the civil service, he has also been Director of the Office of the Third Sector in the Cabinet Office, responsible for policy and support for the voluntary and community sector and social enterprises, and head of strategy at the Home Office.
Ben’s previous experience includes leading research on welfare, health and regeneration policy at the think tank Demos and working in the NHS. He is a senior visiting fellow at the Nuffield Trust and involved in the management of a number of local public services.
Claire Mitchelet, Cabinet Office
Claire is a Senior Policy Adviser in the UK Cabinet Office. She has worked in the social enterprise and social investment space for a number of years. She currently leads the Cabinet Office’s policy on driving the global social impact investment market and was responsible for delivering the G8 Social Impact Investment Forum in June 2013.
Prior to this role, Claire led the development of the Social Incubator Fund for social start-ups in the UK and was the lead official for the Public Services (Social Value) Act. Before joining the Cabinet Office, Claire worked for the UK Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser and at UBS on change management strategy.
Claire holds a BA in Music and History and a Masters in International Politics, both from the University of Leeds.
Sara Burns, Director of Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Ltd.
Sara Burns is a founding director of Triangle and co-author of the family of Stars. She leads on the development of new versions of the Star, Star Online web application and responding to the extensive and growing interest in the Stars from service providers and commissioners. She also leads on the development of Star Training and delivers some Star training, including for licensed trainers.
With a background in research, evaluation and a period in the Latin America department of Christian Aid, Sara pioneered a practical outcomes approach for voluntary organisations in the early 1990s and has worked in this field ever since. Her early work showed how outcomes could benefit service providers and their clients and won the Charity Awards in 2000. She is author of a number of publications on outcomes.
Peter Holbrook, CEO of SEUK & Board Member of the Big Society Trust
Peter Holbrook is CEO of Social Enterprise UK (SEUK), the national body for social enterprise and a membership organisation. SEUK, together with its members, is the voice for social enterprise, and it also chairs the Social Investment Forum.
Prior to taking on this role Peter was CEO of Sunlight Development Trust. During his years at Sunlight Peter became one of the country’s most well-respected social entrepreneurs, responsible for the regeneration, through social enterprise, of some of the UK’s most deprived communities. In 2007, Peter was appointed to be one of the UK’s Social Enterprise Ambassadors, a scheme supported by the Cabinet Office and coordinated by Social Enterprise UK (then Social Enterprise Coalition).
In 2010, Peter was appointed as a member of the Cabinet Office’s Mutual’s Taskforce and Trustee of the Big Society Trust (overseeing delivery of Big Society Capital). In 2012, Peter was appointed a member of the EU Social Business Initiative Expert Group and took up the role of Chair of the Social Enterprise World Forum.