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Application process opens for EU funded health data project expert groups

The TEHDAS joint action funded by the European Union develops joint principles for the use of health data and the planning of infrastructure. The Europe-wide application process for expert groups and forums will be open until 21 March 2021.


Kirsi Suomalainen

Specialist, Communications and Public Affairs


The purpose of TEHDAS, the Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space, is to create joint principles for the secondary use of health data in Europe. The work will involve 26 countries.

The project lays a foundation for the emerging European Health Data Space. The purpose of the development project is that people, communities and companies benefit from secure and seamless access to health data regardless of its location. The guidelines drafted in the project will also be used in the preparation of new legislation.

“The project requires extensive specialist expertise in different countries, hence the open call for partners,” says Markus Kalliola, Project Director at Sitra. “The call aims to offer European operators and organisations an equal opportunity to engage and influence the development of the European Health Data Space.”

The project is divided into work packages, and applications for co-operation are being accepted for four work packages and the stakeholder forum. They review health data-related questions from several points of view. The application process covers the following themes: co-operation and sustainability, the governance model for secondary use, infrastructure planning and clarifying the role of the individual.

More detailed descriptions of the content of the work packages, co-operation requirements, and application form are available on the joint action website. The application process for the four work package expert groups and forums as well as the extensive stakeholder forum will be open from 1 to 21 March 2021.

The TEHDAS joint action is based on the European Commission’s EU Health Programme, published in 2020. The countries involved in TEHDAS chose Sitra to co-ordinate the joint action.

TEHDAS  joint action will be implemented as part of Sitra’s Health Data 2030 project that builds solutions, rules and a bridge for the cross-border use of health data in Europe.

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