
Fumiaki Koizumi

Chief Operating Officer, Mercari, Inc.

Fumiaki Koizumi knows about technology and startups.

After graduating from the Waseda University School of Commerce, Fumiaki entered Daiwa Securities SMBC, where he handled IPOs for internet companies such as Mixi and DeNA. In 2007, he joined Mixi as CFO, supervising the corporate department as a whole. After stepping down in 2012, he supported various startups, and joined Mercari, Inc.. Fumiaki became a Board Member of Mercari, Inc. and was named Executive Director and COO in April 2017.

Fumiaki Koizumi is speaking at the following WCEF2018 session:

Tue 23 October at 9:00 : Enabling Circular Lifestyles and Consumer Solutions

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